For many years we have been dedicated to communicating transportation and other infrastructure projects and concepts in our careers and making this more accessible to others with Beyond CAD software. With Beyond Illustrated, we are taking this further by using new and innovative methods to communicate concepts relevant to our industry.
Beyond VS is our debut series, covering a variety of topics related to infrastructure such as urban sprawl, distracted driving and city beautification. We are combining decades of experience as licensed professional engineers with the latest AI tools to create beautiful illustrated graphic novels. Each issue embraces a unique art style as Bey learns about important infrastructure issues from her AI companion.
These comic book-style stories will hopefully inspire, educate and entertain passionate and seasoned professionals, lay members of the community and everyone in between.
Future installments to Beyond Illustrated will include more issue of Beyond VS and possibly other projects, including a series communicating sustainable streets using Beyond Typicals visuals.

Beyond VS Infrastructure Decay is the first issue in the series and the origin story of our hero, Bey. After creating AI-powered glasses, Bey learns about the unseen dangers of infrastructure and urban decay including roads, rail, bridges and more. This issue utilizes vibrant and colorful comic book-style visuals.
You can read this first issue of the Beyond VS series by clicking here.